WTP 1.5.5 Patches


Bug 203155. ISynchronizerExtenders not invoked if ResourceDelta contains changes from more than 1 project

Bug 206463. Threading issues with WebServicesNode Job

Bug 211115. J2EE FlexProjDeployable getURI(IModule module) returns an incorrect URI

Bug 209562. J2EE DependencyGraphManager.metadataChanged() causing long delays

Bug 215538. Several problems with J2EE and Web Dependencies properties pages

Bug 229110. ComponentUtilities.findFile() may cause ClassCastException

Bug 229478. ComponentSaveStrategyImpl needs to respect deploy paths

Bug 239309. Deadlock

Bug 246872. Duplicated warnings from validation

Bug 237092. ModuleCoreValidator deadlock

Bug 246776. WebLibs with spaces fail

Bug 266543. o.e.c.i.r.ResourceException: Resource /testValue does not exist.

Bug 300870. ComponentResolver performance improvement